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  • Welcome to Sixth Form

    If you're interested in studying at Alec Reed Academy in September 2025, please click on the link Alec Reed Academy (

    Making the right choice for your further education requirements is crucial to your future prospects. The Academy appreciates that you will need to take far more responsibility for your own learning, the direction of your studies and plans for your future. In recognition of this the ARA Further Education Centre for Sixth Form Studies provides a distinctive business-like ethos in all that we do. We are proud of the high standard of conduct and professional appearance of our Sixth Form students and of the commitment they bring to their studies and to the many enrichment activities which the Academy provides.

    The aims of the Academy’s Further Education Centre in providing first class education for our Sixth Form students are:

    • To encourage high academic standards and to enable each student to achieve his/her full potential;
    • To encourage and maintain personal high standards and expectations in work, conduct and presentation and to foster an acceptance of individual responsibility in this respect;
    • To place every student on a programme of study appropriate to his/her ability and needs;
    • To provide all necessary guidance with regard to entry to Universities, Colleges of Higher Education, training or employment;
    • To create a business-like ethos that underpins all aspects of Academy life;
    • To encourage every student to take a full and active part in the life of the Academy and to contribute to its continued success.

    For further information about the opportunities which the Alec Reed Academy Further Education Centre for Sixth Form Studies can offer you, why not take a look at our Prospectus and Brochure or contact us to visit and experience life at ARA first hand at one of our taster days.

    Students in Sixth Form are very well supported to make informed choices about their next steps. This includes work experience as well as detailed advice and guidance on university applications. 

    - Ofsted, 2023

    Get in Touch

    Contact Details

    Bengarth Road, Northolt
    Middlesex, UB5 5LQ
    020 8841 4511