Item of Uniform | Information | Purchase from |
Academy Polo Shirt | Sky Blue with Alec Reed Academy logo | Academy uniform shop |
Academy Sweat Shirt | Navy Blue with Alec Reed Academy logo | Academy uniform shop |
Academy P.E. T-Shirt | Sky Blue with Alec Reed Academy logo | Academy uniform shop |
PE Shorts | Navy blue shorts | Academy uniform shop/High street retail outlet |
PE jogging bottoms | Navy blue jogging bottoms | High street retail outlet |
Trousers / Skirt | Grey (these can be purchased from many different retail outlets) | High street retail outlet |
Socks | Plain dark grey school socks | High street retail outlet |
Low heeled black shoes | Low heeled black leather polishable shoes (school shoes must not be canvas, rubber or suede. Any laces must also be black.) Trainers or boots may not be worn instead of school shoes | High street retail outlet |
Book Bag | Navy Blue bag | Academy uniform shop |
Head Scarves/Turbans/Hats | Any head scarf or turban that is worn for religious/cultural reasons must be plain black, navy or white in colour. Any hat that is worn for cultural reasons must be plain black. | High street retail outlet |
The following standards apply when wearing Academy uniform.
We want to ensure that the cost of uniform does not deter any student from applying to the school, nor leads to them feeling socially excluded or unable to afford other necessities. Parents who are unable to provide their child with the required items of Academy uniform should contact the Phase SaFE Worker. Such approaches will be handled with discretion and sensitivity. The uniform suppliers, costs and quality of the uniform are reviewed annually to ensure that they provide good quality clothing at an affordable price.
Details of the Online Uniform Shop and Uniform Shop opening times can be found by clicking here.
It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child comes to the Academy in the correct uniform (see the Home School Agreement). Year teams, form tutors and class teachers are responsible for monitoring uniform; all staff have a responsibility for ensuring that students are correctly dressed in class and elsewhere on the Academy site.
A student wearing non-uniform clothing will have parents contacted and if necessary the student will be sent home to correct their uniform. In the case of jewellery and other accessories, the student will be asked to remove the item, which will be confiscated and locked in the Year Base or Primary Phase safe.