Welcome to Nursery

In our Nursery, we welcome children from the term in which they are three. From the moment your child enters our Nursery they will be encouraged to follow their natural curiosity and to become independent learners through exciting and absorbing activities with the guidance of our caring and experienced Nursery team. We offer an early year’s education based upon play and first hand experiences with skilled adult interactions, providing a high level of care, a superb learning environment and a committed staff. These daily experiences lay strong foundations of improved speaking and listening, social awareness, self-confidence, independence and Literacy and Numeracy skills. 

Settling into early years is an important time for young children and their families. For some children this will be the first time they may have been left with another person and often the first time they have been left in a larger environment. At Alec Reed Academy we aim to make this process as smooth as possible. All children and families are unique and their individual needs are taken into account throughout the settling in process.

Settling in

Children’s entry into nursery and reception are staggered to enable staff to spend time welcoming and settling in new children.

On your child’s first day parents/carers should:

  • Arrive promptly at the allocated time, to allow your child to be welcomed by their class adults and personally settled in.
  • On your child’s first day be prepared to stay near the school grounds, or arrange for another familiar adult to do so, in case your child feels distressed and needs support. 

Contact Us

Bengarth Road, Northolt, Middlesex, UB5 5LQ

020 8841 4511

Contact Us