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Nursery Admissions

Alec Reed Academy is a publicly funded independent school. Nursery classes at the Academy admit children aged between three and five years old. The admission number is 52 children in the morning nursery classes and 52 in the afternoon nursery classes. Children generally start nursery the September after their third birthday. If there are places still available after those children have been offered and accepted places, younger children will be considered and may start nursery when they are three.

Additional Day Care provision is available for children aged between three and five years between 8am and 6pm for up to 50 weeks each year, at competitive daily rates.

Registration Process

Parents who wish their child to attend Alec Reed Academy Nursery should register their interest for a nursery place with the Academy by completing an application form when their child is two. Documentary evidence of age together with address must be attached to the application.

Consideration of applications

The Academy will consider all applications for place in its Nursery. Where fewer applications than the number of places available are received, the Academy will offer places to all those who have applied.

Procedures where the Academy Nursery is oversubscribed

Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the number of places available, applications will be considered against the Academy’s specific criteria which will be applied in the order in which they are set out below:

a. Looked after children.
b. Confirmed special medical reason which necessitates attendance at Alec Reed Academy (a letter from a qualified medical practitioner is required as proof of such a reason);
c. Special personal circumstances relating to the child which necessitate attendance at West London Academy Nursery (supporting written evidence will be required from a professional e.g. social worker).
d. Brother or sister is still in attendance at Alec Reed Primary or High School at the date of admission. This includes siblings living in the same household, step-siblings and adopted siblings, but does not apply to cousins;
e. The children of members of staff employed by Alec Reed Academy;
f. Distance from home to the Academy, as measured by straight line from a point in the property determined by Ordnance Survey to the nearest gated entrance which is used by pupils to enter the Academy grounds.
In cases where there is a shared responsibility arrangement and the pupil spends part of the week with one parent/guardian and part with another, the address where the pupil resides which is the closest of these residences as measured by straight line from a point in the property determined by Ordnance Survey to the nearest gated entrance which is used by pupils to enter the Academy grounds will be used;
g. Where the comparison and calculation of distance in f. above is the same for more than one application, any remaining places will be randomly allocated.

Operation of waiting lists

Where in any year Alec Reed Academy receives more applications for Nursery places than there are places available, a waiting list will operate. This will be maintained by the Academy and it will be open to any parent to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list, following an unsuccessful application and, if wanted, an appeal for the Nursery. The child will remain on the waiting list for one term. Children’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the over-subscription criteria set out above.

IMPORTANT: Admission to Alec Reed Academy Nursery Phase does not guarantee admission to the main Academy Primary Phase. Please refer to the separate Admissions Criteria for Alec Reed Academy Primary and Secondary Phase.

Home visits

On acceptance of a place families are offered a home visit. A member of the Early Years team will visit you in your own home. This is an opportunity to share information about your child in order to help them settle into Nursery/reception. Also discuss any medical or dietary requirements that we should be made aware of. 

Get in Touch

Contact Details

Bengarth Road, Northolt
Middlesex, UB5 5LQ
020 8841 4511