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Governors, Trustees, and Sponsors

Board of Trustees

The Academy’s Board of Trustees have overall responsibility for the Academy and includes representation from parents, staff and the local authority. The Chair of the Board of Trustees is the authorised representative of the Sponsor, Reed Foundation. Three Trustees are also Members and have additional responsibilities such as the power to appoint trustees and remove these trustees or amend the articles.

Board of Trustees Membership 2024 - 25

Current Trustees

Chair of Board of Trustees - Louise Prince BA (Hons) BSc (Hons)

Louise can be contacted at or by post to: Alec Reed Academy, Bengarth Road, Northolt, Middlesex, UB5 5LQ

Vice Chair of Board of Trustees - Jane Wotherspoon
Sponsor Trustee - Yash Rawal
Parent Trustee - Gagandeep Sethi
Ex-Officio Trustee - Phil Cosby BSc (Hons), MA, PGCEL, NPQH
Local Authority Trustee -  Dee Martin BA (Hons)
Trustee - Christopher Gliddon BA LLB
Trustee -  Dee Morrison BA (Hons)
Trustee - Efe Airefetalor
Trustee - Rohan Desai
Staff Trustee - Trudy Puddle
Trustee - Yasmin Hassan
Parent Trustee - Pratik Shah
Current Members :
Chair of Members - Baba Abu BSc (Hons) Econ MBA
Member - Heather Flint BSocSc MA
Member - Mike Phillips BSc (Hons) Eng
Member - James Reed MA MBA FCIPD

Committee Membership 2024 - 25

Members of Finance & Resources and Audit & Risk Committee
Phil Cosby
Gagan Sethi
Dee Martin (Chair)
Jane Wotherspoon
Christopher Gliddon
Pratik Shah
Rohan Desai
Members of Education Committee
Phil Cosby
Louise Prince
Dee Morrison
Jane Wotherspoon (Chair)
Members of HR Committee
Louise Prince (Chair)
Phil Cosby
Dee Martin
Dee Morrison
Efe Airefetalor

Board of Trustees & Members Attendance 2023-24

Trustees Date Appointed Date Resigned Meetings attended in 2023/24 out of possible 5
Chair of Trustees - Louise Prince BA (Hons) BSc (Hons) 13/05/09   5 out of 5
Trustee - Phil Mead MREC 07/10/20   4 out of 5
Local Authority Trustee - Dee Martin BA (Hons) 11/03/15   5 out of 5
Parent Trustee - Dee Morrison BA (Hons) 15/02/16   4 out of 5
Parent Trustee - Gagandeep Sethi 08/12/21   5 out of 5
Parent Trustee - Pratik Shah 16/03/22   4 out of 5
Trustee - Jane Wotherspoon 06/07/22   5 out of 5
Trustee - Christopher Gliddon 01/06/21   5 out of 5
Trustee - Efe Airefetalor 16/07/24   1 out of 1
Trustee - Rohan Desai 16/07/24   1 out of 1
Staff Trustee - Megan Dee BA (Hons), PGCE, MEd (ICT) 20/10/19 19/10/23 0 out of 1
Staff Trustee - Trudy Puddle  06/12/24   2 out of 4
Trustee - Lucie Hernandez BA (Hons) QTS 06/10/21   3 out of 5
Ex-Officio Trustee - Phil Cosby BSc (Hons), MA, PGCEL, NPQH 01/09/20   5 out of 5
Trustee - Sara Hasan MBA, MSc 23/03/22   3 out of 5
Members Date Appointed Date Resigned AGM Meeting attended in 2023/24 out of possible 1
Member - Heather Flint BSocSc MA 14/05/08   1
Member - Baba Abu BSc (Hons) Econ MBA 01/09/14   1
Member - Mike Phillips BSc (Hons) Eng. 01/10/14   1
Member - James Reed MA MBA FCIPD 07/12/22   0

In appointing Trustees, the Board of Trustees look to ensure there is an appropriate mix of skills background and experience. See our Trustees' biographies below.

Board of Trustees Biographies
Louise Prince - Chair of Trustees, Chair of HR Committee and Member of Education Committee

I am Chair of the Board of Trustees, and as such have an overview of the various sub-committees, with a particular interest in the Education & HR sub committees. I started off as Parent Governor; after my term expired I was appointed as a co-opted member.

I have a long-term interest in the Academy, with my two children both having attended Alec Reed, both the Primary and the Secondary Phase.

My twin passions are education and community involvement, and my role as Trustee at Alec Reed allows me to indulge both. I have a degree in Humanities and in Psychology, and am active on the local community sports scene, being heavily involved in both parkrun and junior parkrun locally.

I spent many years working in the BBC before leaving to work in the Extending Learning team in a school in Hillingdon.

Dee Morrison - Member of Education Committee and Member of HR Committee

I became Parent Governor in February 2016 when my two children were in year 2 (aged 6) and in year 7 (aged 11) and as such I have a vested interest in the development of the school with both my children being firmly established within the Academy.

My day job is a Legal Personal Assistant at Sky UK Limited (Sky TV) where I have worked for the past 15 years. I believe my position brings the ability to forward plan and I have excellent organisational skills which will both be vital within this role.

I am a confident person who is not afraid to speak up and as such I feel I am well qualified to represent the parents, and would welcome hearing from any parent regarding school direction and management.

It is an honour to serve as a Parent Governor and I relish the opportunity to contribute in some small way. I strongly believe in the value and benefit that a good education can provide, and I believe that supporting our childrens’ education is both vital and a privilege. A good school can change a child’s life for the better and I really want to be instrumental in helping shape that for our children.

Gagandeep Sethi - 

I have been associated with Alec Reed Academy as a parent since 2010, when my eldest child started in nursery and seen it evolve through the years. I became a parent governor/ trustee in December 2021 and both my children attend the Academy. 

Successful education is a combination of the child’s willingness to learn, the support from a good school and its teachers. As a parent with a keen interest in the development of my children, I find this is an important role to represent the parents of the Academy to also help with the academic development of their children. I would be keen to hear thoughts and ideas from the parents on the school’s construct.

I am a co-founder of a Technology Consulting & Services company with experience in delivering strategic initiatives, transformation programmes, organisational governance, and leading successful global teams to bring true business value. I have experience within the fin-tech, financial services, aviation, travel, hospitality industries and through this role I’m keen to develop my understanding of the education sector. I am driven by the mantra of “continuous learning”.

Jane Wotherspoon - Trustee

I have lived in the Northolt area for over 40 years, although I was born and brought up in Somerset.

I have spent my entire adult life working in education, initially as a teacher and senior leader in several schools.  Most recently, I worked for Ofsted as one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors.

I am passionate about the importance of giving children a broad education that prepares them for life. Now that I have retired, I want to continue contributing to children’s life-chances in a voluntary capacity.  Being a trustee at Alec Reed Academy gives me that opportunity.

I joined the Board of Trustees as a co-opted member in July 2022. I am pleased to serve on the Education Committee where I feel I can use my skills, experience, and extensive knowledge of education.

Register of Interests

All Trustees are required to disclose any relevant business and pecuniary interests including governance roles in other educational institutions and those of related parties, as these might possibly conflict with the Academy’s business and activities. All interests declared are disclosed in a register and published on our website at the end of this page.

Role of Board of Trustees

The Board normally meets four times a year to set the strategic direction and policies of the Academy and carry out key functions such as:

  • Set the strategic aims and desired outcomes for the Academy.

  • Agree the Academy Improvement Plan with required policies, structures and strategies for achieving those aims and outcomes.
  • Employ people and resources to successfully deliver the Plan
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress that the Academy is making towards its strategic aims and achievement of outcomes. 
  • Provide on-going challenge and support to the Chief Executive Principal and Senior Leadership Team on all matters affecting the progress of the Academy.
  • Ensure the Academy has an effective system of internal control, financial and otherwise and make key decisions regarding adoption of the Financial Statements and annual budget. 

Organisational Structure

Whilst the Board cannot delegate overall responsibility for the Academy’s funds, it is able to delegate aspects and these are outlined in the Scheme of Delegation. The Scheme of Delegation sets out those powers and duties which are reserved for the Board and those delegated to its committees and to officers: the Chief Executive and Principal and Director of Finance and Resources.

In order to take a more detailed look at areas of its functions, the Board has formed committees to advise it on its decision making. The committees cover the following areas: Education, Finance & Resources, Audit, Human Resources and Discipline. The committees for each area meet between 2 and 5 times a year and their minutes are subsequently approved by the Board. All Trustees are members of the Discipline Committee. The terms of reference for each committee are included in the Scheme of Delegation, which can be found at the end of this page.

Membership of committees and attendance in 2023/24

Trustee Meetings attended out of possible 3
Phil Cosby 3
Dee Morrison 3
Lucie Hernandez (Chair) 2
Louise Prince 3
Jane Wotherspoon 3
Finance & resources and Audit & Risk
Trustee Meetings attended out of possible 5
Sara Hasan (Chair) 4
Phil Cosby 5
Dee Martin 5
Jane Wotherspoon 5
Christopher Gliddon 3
Gagandeep Sethi 4
Pratik Shah 3
Human Resources
Trustee Meetings attended out of possible 3
Louise Prince (Chair) 2
Dee Morrison 3
Phil Mead 3
Dee Martin 1
Phil Cosby 3

The Clerk to the Board of Trustees is Ms Sandra Scott, and she can be contacted via email at Any trustee can be contacted through the Clerk.

Responsibility for systems of control

Trustees acknowledge their overall responsibility for ensuring that the Academy has an effective and appropriate system of control, financial and otherwise to ensure regularity, compliance and propriety of items. The Governing Body has delegated the day-to-day responsibility to the Principal, as Accounting Officer, for ensuring good financial management and meeting the requirements and responsibilities assigned to it in the Funding Agreement  between the Academy and the Secretary of State for Education, dated 17 June 2003, and as set out in the Academies Financial Handbook. The Accounting Officer is responsible for reporting to the Board of Trustees any material weaknesses or breakdowns in internal control.

Arrangements in place to ensure robust financial controls are described in the Governance Statement which is published in the Academy’s Financial Statements. The most recent version is for 2017/18. The other key governance document is the Academy’s Memorandum and Articles of Association. All these documents follow below.


Alec Reed, Founding Sponsor of Alec Reed Academy, was born in Hounslow, Middlesex, the son of a civil servant. He attended Drayton Manor Grammar School leaving to become a trainee accountant. In 1960, with £75 in his pocket, the 26-year-old opened his first employment agency in Hounslow.

He founded the company, REED, in 1960 and in the early 1960s, REED pioneered specialist recruitment services. It subsequently expanded to offer the provision of training, HR outsourcing and Welfare to Work services. The very popular online web site was established in 1995. The company has continued to expand to include,, and the highly successful Reed Business School

Today, REED has a global presence, in Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific. It has 425 business units in 180 locations worldwide, employs over 3,000 people delivering a service across more than 30 specialisms

Alec Reed is a committed philanthropist and has founded various charitable organisations including Womankind Worldwide, Ethiopiaid, Reed Restart at Holloway Prison, Women at Risk. As Founding Sponsor of the Academy which opened in 2003 under the name of West London Academy as one of the first twelve or ‘original’ Academies, he has remained committed to the area of London where he grew up. The Academy changed its name to Alec Reed Academy in September 2012 in honour of its Founding Sponsor.

In 1985, he established The Reed Foundation, a charitable foundation that has since provided the seed funding for a number of charities, including Womankind Worldwide, Women at Risk and Ethiopiaid. In 2007, he launched ‘The Big Give’, a project designed to encourage potential wealthy philanthropists looking to make donations between £100,000 and £10m. In The Big Give 2011 Christmas Challenge, over £12.5 million was raised for 420 charities. The site is now home to £1.3bn worth of projects in need of funding.

In 1994 Alec Reed was invested as a Commander of the order of the British Empire for his charitable services. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). He is also a Fellow of the Beacon Charitable Trust, an Honorary Fellow of Royal Holloway, University of London and an Honorary Doctor of The Open University. Alec Reed was Professor of Enterprise and Innovation at Royal Holloway until 2001 and is a visiting Professor to London Guildhall University, which merged with the University of North London to become London Metropolitan University in 2002, from where he also has an Honorary Doctorate. He is also Honorary Professor of Warwick University.

In the 2011 New Year Honours, Sir Alec Reed was awarded a knighthood for services to business and charity.

Sir Alec Reed

Sir Alec Reed with some of our 2015 GCSE Top 20 pupils

Get in Touch

Contact Details

Bengarth Road, Northolt
Middlesex, UB5 5LQ
020 8841 4511