Primary News

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  • 02/11/22


    Celebrate reading at our Book Fair! The Book Fair will be arriving in school soon, with hundreds of new children’s books to browse and buy. Come and join us! WHEN: Tuesday 1st November – Friday 11th November 2022 After school each day until 3:45 and both Parents Evenings. WHERE: M...
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  • 27/01/22

    Spring term clubs

    Spring term clubs will start after half-term. Time: 3pm-4:15pm
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  • 21/09/21

    Primary open DAYS 2021

    Primary Open days 2021 Nursery Open Day Monday 11th October 2021 9.00am - 11.30am Reception Open Day Tuesday 12th October 2021 9.00am - 11.30am .
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  • 14/06/21

    Primary Maths Challenge

    Congratulations to the following Primary students, Mithul, Imaad and Malay for achieving a Bronze award for the National Primary Maths Challenge! Well done!   
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  • 11/06/21

    STEM project with the Mayor's London Scientist Exhibition 2021

    Malay, Areen, Hala, Habiba, Mithul, Katrina, Shareena, Gurbani, and Yahya all from ARA Primary and Secondary school are undertaking a climate resilience project called Floating Garden. The challenge is to design and build a model of a structure that people can grow their crops on, even...
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  • 14/01/21

    Remote Learning Provision

    For more information and support for online learning, we have set up a page dedicated to Remote Learning - please click here to access our Remote Learning Provision page.
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  • 14/07/20

    Year 6 class of 2020

    As our beloved Year 6's completed their final week of Primary School in a very surreal way, their teachers worked hard to compile a message board as a response to not being able to give them a proper send-off. Pupils and staff at ARA shared their farewell messages to the year group on a messa...
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